Harp & Lyre

I Wanna Be Proven Faithful

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tour Update, Go Eternal Flames!

Hey guys sorry it's been awhile since I've said anything but here we go.
First off let me say our stuff is up on iTunes now and a new song on myspace. Go check it out!
Mega pudding pops to everyone who came out to our kickoff/cd release show Friday 9th, it was success and a blessing to experience that kind of support from friends and family and all the new ppl we met.
We stay at our bud cooper's that night and didn't leave till after 4 to go to Claremore do to an antifreeze leak which we were able to fix. Thanks to Reed and Daryl for coming out to help us fix the problem and Mr. Billington for putting up with us.
The show in Claremore went well except for Clay's bass rig screwing up, props to the dude who let me borrow his bass and to Bethany and Taylor for the hotel room.
The next day on our way to Springfield we ran out of oil and Noah and Tyler had to hike to find some synthetic oil which put us back on the road and at the Sparrows venue in time.
The show went well, made some friends and did a sweet podcast with Mike from Beneath The Empire, look out for that later this month from
Right now we're staying with Colby from Beneath The Empire and his wife Jessica in their awesome loft here in Springfield, Missouri.
Crazy thing happened last night: Colby, Jessica, Aaron(merch guy) and I all piled in Colby's car and drove 50 miles to Lebanon to see his sister's bball game. They lost but it was still a good time.
Afterwards we went to T-Bell with his family and the guy behind the count, shout out to Devyn, said "you guys are coming back from a show right?" I said "No actually we played last night and we're playing on Thursday next." He then says "Harp & Lyre right?" My response, "......whaaaaaaaat?"
Yeah it was nuts, but then we had to drive another 30 miles to meet James(agreaceful drummer) to get Colby's lappy.
We're now chilling and about to get some grub with our producer Kevin Gates.
-Pray for Philip as he is just about over his sickness
-Pray that I can get my bass head figured out and for cheap before the next show
-Pray for saftey and warm weather, yeah in January
God Bless

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